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Liberated Launch

We’re not just creating our offerings, our offerings are creating us!

Yes, you read that right, our offerings are creating us.

Gone are the days where we manufacture a creation and release it to the world because we think it’s what people want.

As we make the shift into 5th dimensional/New Earth business, it means that we engage in business and our offerings in a completely different way to before.

In this new way, business is no longer business. It’s our souls-mission, expression, purpose and artistry; it’s a vehicle for sharing our souls gifts and services with the world.

And thus our offerings aren’t created from the mind but rather, from the soul. They come through us and co-create with us in order to not only serve others but to also serve us.

You see, our soul-creations and 5D offerings are alive and you know that sayingwe teach what we most need to know, yeah well in this case, it’s 100% accurate.

Our offerings upgrade us, initiate us, prepare and work us into an up-levelled way of being.

And part of the creation, birthing and delivery of our offerings, our offerings are creating, birthing and delivering us, into new experiences, higher states of consciousness and completely new timelines and realities.

So, our launches and delivery need to look different.

They NEED to be aligned and match this new way of interacting and being! No longer can we get away with anything that’s half done, out of alignment nor can we offer a 5D offering in a 3D way…

No longer can we simply follow a strategy.

Because our offering will show us all the places where we’re not in alignment, where we’re following a rule rather than creating our own way.

Where we’re still tethered to 3D results as a means to validate our success or worth in the world.

This is because our offerings are here to liberate us from the confines of the 3D matrix and all the associated boxes, restrictions and limitations.

And, this is where ‘Liberated Launch’ comes in.

If you’ve found yourself with a beautiful soul-inspired offering, yet there’s a part of you that’s afraid to fully show up for it, because you’re not sure you can actually do it or are petrified it won’t succeed.

BUT, you can feel that you’re on the edge of this new level of consciousness and you’re ready for the evolution and ascension your soul and offerings are calling forth for you.

And, you know it’s here to upgrade you and liberate you into a wildly exquisite version of yourself.

You’re in the right place.

Liberated Launch is here to be your doula in the birthing process.

Together we will completely redefine and go deep on the purpose of your offering, who it’s for, what it’s here to show you and co-create a completly aligned way for you to share it with the world.

We’ll walk the whole journey together. From conception, through to implementation, action and delivery. We’ll even unpack all the pieces it’s here to initiate you through.

And, if you’re also looking to create a new offering and aren’t exactly sure what it looks like yet, there’s an upgrade option for me to help you build that too.

So, if you’re feeling called to liberate your next offering and launch, if you’re ready to anchor into the new way, please book in a chat via the button below and we can see if it’s a fit for you.

Our Journey Together in this Powerful Immersion with Support you to;

Liberate yourself from the boxes, restrictions and shackles of what it means to birth your offering out into the world and find your own unique way that highlights and amplifies your skills and magic to call in those who are here to co-create with you and your offering.

 – Learn what it really means to share an offering from 5th dimensional consciousness where you’re co-creating and sharing from a place of creation and expression rather than focusing solely on 3D results.

 – Activate and integrate your ‘inner union’ template so you can flow easily between the masculine and feminine aspects of the creation, birthing and execution of your offering and delivering it successfully.

 – Co-create with your offering and truly bring it to life so it can show you what’s available to be attuned in your own field and anchor you into the highest expression and outcomes available.

And so much more!!!

Here’s what’s included…

Half Day Deep Dive Session

This is where we get to dig in and find the juicy magic that’s been waiting to be called from your being. We play with the frequencies of your offering, get clear on the coding available and reignite your connection to both your offering and it’s launch.

Together, we will co-create and channel an amazing set of plans and creations for you to take away and work on after our session.

4hrs (with a break), held online via Zoom or in my home on the Mornington Peninsula.

4x Progress Support, Attunement & Alignment Sessions

These sessions are to further support you to implement and action everything we laid out in the deep dive session. And, this is where the attunement will happen. Where we see, unpack and clear anything that your offering is liberating you from so you can be birthed anew!

I’ll be there continually calling you into alignment to the frequencies that are a match for your offering and your launch and keep you on track for a powerful outcome.

4x 90min private 1:1 calls, held online via Zoom.

Private Message Access

12-weeks of private message/voice note access so we can walk together through the entire journey of this process. I want you to feel completely held and supported in this creation and launch cocoon. I’ll be here for you no matter what comes up to offer support, coaching or simply words of encouragement when you’re birthing through a portal of initiation.

Personalised & Co-created Launch and Funnel Roadmaps

The new way is your way! I will be there to support you in co-creating map for your launch and funnels associated. I’ll help you put it together in an organised fashion that’s easy to follow and implement so you’re easily able to stay on track.


Content Attunement Support

Our content is the way we connect with our potential clients and share the coding of our offerings with the greater marketplace. It’s really important that our content is a match for everything we stand for and everything we’re being created in. And so, as you’re creating and developing your content, I’ll be here to support in the attunement to ensure it’s aligned to the frequencies that are a match for you and your offering.

Tech and Build Support

If you’re building the infrastructure of your launch funnels/sales pages/online programs yourself or you have someone you need to direct, I’m here to support this process too. It’s something creators get stuck on and I want this element to be simple for you. I can support you in solutions and directives on the most aligned system for you to use to have seamless delivery.

BONUS: Personalised Vibrational Plant Potion

Created and supplied by Anita Loveriche from Empress Sorority.

Made specifically with essences to support in integration of the transformations occurring throughout the immersion.

You will receive a 30 min call with Anita where she will connect with you and create a personalised potion based on your desired outcomes and the initiation of your offering.

Is Liberated Launch right for you?

You’re in the right place if all or some of these sound like you…

  • You’re feeling like all the pieces of your offer and launch are scattered and it’s not as succinct and tight as you know it needs to be in order for you to share it with the world.
  • You know there is something truly glorious that’s meant to be birthed from your soul yet when it comes to the implementation and execution, you can sometimes crumble at all the things you know you need to put together to make it happen. 
  • You sometimes find yourself in a perpetual loop of creation rather than execution and delivery and know that having support would take it and you to the next level.
  • There’s no better feeling to you than when you really hit the nail on the head with content that feels like you’re just expressing art form your soul but right now, you’re not quite able to articulate your message.
  • You’re a heart-centred and soul-aligned coach, healer, mentor, guide or service provider.

    If this sounds like where you’re at, I’d love to jump on a call to chat.

    Who is Carissa?

    Leo Sun, Libra Moon, Sag Rising, 5/1 Manifesting Generator… That’s all that you need to know right?

    My genius zones are – quantum architecture, energy tracking and interpreting, multi-tasking, seeing the sacred in all things, loving the hell out of my clients no matter what’s going on for them and of course, New Earth Business!

    After years in the coaching industry, I got fed up with the perpetual themes of the chase to be enough. Every man and his dog offering something along the lines of ‘do it my way to succeed’, ‘learn this thing to be enough’ and to be honest, this never served me and from what I could tell, anyone else I know either… Other than to realise they didn’t need all that stuff.

    An eternal student of life and business, I believe hierarchy causes separation and amplifies peoples feelings of being not enough and so I adopted a collaborative, co-creative approach to mentoring. Where although, from my own journey, I have embodied wisdom and insights to share that can assist and guide those who I work with, the underlying tone will always be that the answers will be found within the client.

    And so with this, I act as a divine reflector and channel to consistently call those who I work with back into their Divine Self whilst gently cooing their own genius and wisdom out of them so it can be shared with the world.

    My mission is to be a full expression of my Self and a beacon of light. To shine the way forward into the New Earth experience. To work closely with amazing souls, like you, to support them in being their own beacon of light.

    I’m here to be your soul sister, business bestie and anchor to guide you back home to your own innate wisdom. I will remind you of your own power, of the unconditional love of The Divine and will pull you forward into your own Divine Self anytime you find yourself off course.

    Ready to Liberate your Launch?

    This is an invitation only immersion so please book a chat with me via the button link below and we can discuss your vision and desired outcomes to see if/how I can support you in the highest. Payment plans and finance options are available.

    I look forward to chatting with you soon.

    Love, Carissa x

    Kind Words

    Working with Carissa as a Coach has been mind-blowing for growth in my business. I came to Carissa uninspired by my product launch & lacklustre on what to do next. After our first session I left with so much inspiration and quantum alignment that I was able to take quick action and signed two new clients within three days, before even having my sales page done.

    Her coaching and perspective helped me to realise that it can be EASY, FUN & ridiculously ABUNDANT, when truly aligned to the soul vision.

    Carissa also supported me from conception to raging success in birthing my souls body of work. I filled all spaces in my Academy and had my first 6 figure 100k+ launch while working with Carissa.

    Her unwavering support & belief in me was invaluable to my success.

    Her intuition & Business advice was always spot on.

    And most of all I always felt safe & held in her presence. Which is why I highly recommend working with Carissa in supporting your creative dreams to come true, she is the real deal!

    Shannon Rose

    Mystic & Multi-Sensory Channel

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