The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be witnessed; to be seen, heard and companioned exactly as it is. When we make that kind of deep bow to the soul of a suffering person, our respect reinforces the soul’s healing resources, the only resources that can help the sufferer make it through.
~ Parker Palmer ~
✨ For Unity and higher consciousness to emanate abundantly in The Field, to anchor it into our bodies and have the frequency ripple out into all aspects of our lives.
✨ To weave New Earth, luminescent Business/Mission coding into all that we be, do and create. To dissolve and release any limited codes, templates and patterns that no longer serves us, our community or the collective.
✨ For the Leaders of Light and Leaders of the New World to be held safely and supportably to step boldly into their way-showing embodiment and expression of their New Way.
✨ To uphold The Field as a place of infinite possibilities where we are held in our true expansive nature as Divine Creators.
✨ For Divine Creativity to flow through the channel and vessel of every soul in The Field. A sacred space connected directly to The Divine that lives within all of us and have that radiate through all that we be and do.
✨ Hierarchy free, Circular community where all beings are seen as their whole self as leaders in their own right.
✨ A Field where our shifts, newly activated codes and deactivated templates be assimilated and integrated with Divine Grace. Releasing all suffering from the ascension and evolution process.
✨ A space for total and limitless individual and collective creativity. A space to be all of us in our fullness whilst upholding the highest acchord for Self and all others.
✨ To behold and radiate a sacred balance of masculine and feminine qualities in all that we create, cultivating deeper states of inner union as the foundation for the New Earth.
This is where the magic happens. We spend 1-2 hours (depending on your group size) connecting in a deep and intimate way to unpack, co-create and be held in your own highest acchord for your evolution, ascension, business/mission and creations.
Facilitated by Carissa and hosted on Zoom, we come together every second week. Time/day will be decided upon formation of your pod or you may be invited to join an already established pod.
A group chat style space hosted on the Telegram app, where we join together as a community for ongoing support, celebration and continued connection between sessions.
The Field begins with a 3 month devotion that can be extended on a month by month basis.
The first 3 months gives us an opportunity to really sink into cultivating deep states of connection, and community.
Following that, there are no lock in contracts and one month notice is requested prior to completion of your time in The Field.
If you have questions that aren’t answered here, please send me a PM on socials or simply book in a call and we can chat about it there.
Is 'The Field' for me?
The Field may be for you if you;
- Know that you’re a leader of the New Earth and are here to birth and build something NEW. Something uniquely YOU.
- Are looking for support, a sounding board, a divine reflector of your most Divine Self. Someone who will always hold you in your highest and shine that back to you.
- Have been deep in your own healing and personal evolution for a few years, if not more and are now seeking less stuff/information and more assimilation of what you already know. Although healing is a bi-product of how we co-create in The Field, it is not a main intention.
- Have done or are enrolled in many courses/programs and are looking for something more personalised and unique to support your embodiment and implementation. Again, although learning is a bi-product of The Field, the main focus is your embodiment, integration, assimilation and implementation.
- Have a deep desire to cultivate deep connection and community with other like hearted souls. Creating a pod of family who have your back.
If this, the video & intentions of the space resonate with your being, please book in a call to see if we’re a fit.
How are the groups created?
I weave an intention into The Field to call in 3-4 matched souls, bringing them together for soul-contracted co-creation. Perfectly aligned for quantum soul-evolution. Each soul is uniquely matched and therefore bringing together a soul-family who will reflect and learn from one another. When one shifts, we all shift.
Each pod has a unique blueprint that specific souls will feel called to that establishes a co-creation and co-evolution style container. Meaning that as one soul brings something to the table on a call, each other soul will also receive their own shifts, breakthroughs and upgrades.
Is this offered as a private 1:1 offering?
The Field is a small intimate group experience however, I also love supporting souls in a 1:1 capacity too. Should you desire to work with someone in a more intimate 1:1 experience, ‘Attune’ was birthed just for this. The codes and frequencies are aligned to ‘The Field’ yet the container is simply a more intimate one.
Learn more about Attune HERE.
The same applies if you’re a couple or you have a friend who you’d like a private co-creation pod with, simply book in a call and we can chat.
Why is 'Attune' a pre-requisite for 'The Field'?
The Field requires a particular resonance and alignment to the way in which we co-create together. In order for me to serve the souls in the best way I can, it’s important for me to have a deep understanding of each individual, what they’re creating and where they currently reside within themselves. Attune offers us an opportunity to connect in an intimate way first before moving into a group setting. It allows us to drop in and attune to the highest octave first before stepping into ‘The Field’.
Though, if you have worked with me intimately in the past, it may not be required to journey in ‘Attune’ first. Either way, we can connect on an alignment call and see what’s in the highest alignment for you as the unique soul that you are.
Where can I find some testimonials?
I’ve intentionally left testimonials off this page but if you’ve not worked with me before and would love to hear some words from past and present clients, please go HERE.