Your Divine Self
If you’ve found yourself here, it’s likely that you’ve been on the journey of seeking, healing and deep personal transformation. Experiencing many shifts in consciousness and have landed in a place where you no longer feel compelled to be anything other than your authentic, Divine Self. You’ve come to a place of acceptance (most of the time at least), love, self expression and rather than striving to ‘fix’ yourself, you are committed to continually refining and embodying your most Divine nature, embracing all that life presents to you.
A Call to Evoke a Higher Expression
Over the past few years, we’ve witnessed a crumbling of structures and ways of being, gifting us an extraordinary opportunity to create something new. A call to evoke a higher expression of humanity, and it starts with each of us. It begins with how we be, how we serve, and how we embrace the fullness of our being in every facet of our lives.
Refine, Integrate & Embody
Through this process, we refine our ways of being, aligning with the wisdom and truths that resonate with our essence, and we assimilate the lessons and experiences that have brought us to this moment. Then the individual transformation ripples out and contributes to the greater collective awakening.
With this, we have been extended an invitation not only to continue our own personal ascension journey, but also to be way-showers for the emergence of the New Earth. However, in order to fulfil this calling, we must ensure that we are integrated and embodied.
Support for Personal & Mission Ascension
In my personal experience, I’ve found it vital to surround myself with souls who are capable of meeting me at the highest level of alignment. These are individuals who have walked a similar path and share the same commitment to choosing love, sovereignty, and unity. It’s through their support that I’ve been able to see my own transformation reflected back to me. Constantly reminding me of the Divinity that lives within us all.
Introducing Attune
This sacred offering ‘Attune’ has been birthed for those who are here to transcend the limitations of the third-dimensional reality and choose to exist beyond polarity. It provides a gateway to access and attune to higher realms, to be in the continuous refinement of our realities, allowing us to anchor and create the new paradigm from a foundation of love, sovereignty, and unity.
I am not here to fix or change; rather, my role is to serve as a Divine reflector. I am here to reflect Divine love, presence, and understanding. Offering the magic of attunement and refinement. A co-regulator in the support of anchoring into the accord of the upper room, the higher octave, the consciousness of the fifth dimension and beyond.
If you’re feeling the resonance, the deep calling of your soul, please book in a call with me so we can discover if Attune is the right fit for you.
Facilitated by Carissa and hosted on Zoom, we come together every second week. Sessions will be recorded and saved in your personal folder for you to access at anytime.
Private message access between sessions is offered as a place for further integration of codes.
Attune is held in a highly refined quantum grid where our mission and soul teams work in collaboration to offer you the highest level of support in the ascension process.
Carissa will spend time throughout the Attune journey refining the grid and weaving the highest frequencies and lightcodes available for you to ignite within.
✨ Transcend limitations of the third-dimensional reality and exist beyond polarity.
✨ Access the gateway to attune to higher realms, to be in the continuous refinement of our realities, allowing us to anchor and create the new paradigm from a foundation of love, sovereignty, and unity.
✨ Expereince deep integration, assimilation and embodiment of the years of healing and consciousness evolution and find yourself attuning to a higher reality where you can experience life through the eyes of God.
✨ It’s for refinement of that mission and for our ascension to be embodied through our creations, our offerings, our leadership at every level imaginable.
✨ Assimilate, integrate and embody of the highest mission timeline available to you now
✨ Alchemise and dissolve 3D templates in all areas of your mission creating space for a greater embodiment of your soul essence.
Anchor and ascend mission templates to co-create with more love in all aspects of your mission
If you have questions that aren’t answered here, please send me a PM on socials or simply book in a call and we can chat about it there.
Is 'Attune' for me?
Attune may be for you if you;
- Are looking for support, a sounding board, a divine reflector of your most Divine Self. Someone who will always hold you in your highest and shine that back to you.
- Have been deep in your own healing and personal evolution for a few years, if not more and are now seeking less stuff/information and more assimilation of what you already know with more access to your ascension being guided by your own soul team rather than external sources.
- Have done or are enrolled in many courses/programs and are looking for something more personalised and unique to support your embodiment and implementation. Although learning is a bi-product of Attune, the main focus is your embodiment, integration, assimilation and implementation.
- Know that you’re a leader of the New Earth and are here to birth and create the NEW. Something uniquely you and desire the supportive playground for that to be so.